Oskar Schindler factory has just been renovated and reopened on the 11th June with a huge two floor exhibition about the history of Krakow during the 2nd World War. Oskar Schindler the private businessman made a Factory in Krakow and employed as many Jews as he could. Schindler knew how to make a bribe look like an act of friendship and therefore he won the loyalty of key officers in both the SS and the Wehrmacht. These friends in high places assured Schindler a steady flow of army contracts. This was the reason why the factory could have been operating. Of course Jews made things that were the benefit of both the German war machine and the factory owner but this was the only way to survive. Oskar Schindler saved many lives by the fact that he gave work to Jews outside the Auschwitz Camp. We highly recommend to join the Oskar Schindler factory with visiting the Salt Mine or/and Auschwitz in one day – You can save time and money by doing this. The attraction is located 15 minutes driving from the market square. It takes around 1,5 hours to visit the Schindler Museum in Krakow.
If you have seen the movie Schindler’s list, you know how important this place was and for many people still is. Major part of the movie was recorded in the factory located in the ghetto area in Krakow on the Street named Lipowa 4.
The Old Look at the Main Gate.

The present and permanent exhibition in the Oskar Schindler’s Enamel Factory is about KRAKOW UNDER NAZI OCCUPATION 1939-1945.
Opening Hours:
Monday 10 am to 4 pm. Entrance free of charge every Monday.
Tuesday to Sunday 10 am to 8 pm – Normal ticket costs 15 zloty. Reduces ticket 13 zloty.
These opening hours are valid from 1st September to 31st October.
Every first Monday of each month the Factory is closed!
About the exhibition:
The exhibition presented in the factory is basically a story about the city and it’s inhabitants, both Polish and Jewish. It is also a story of NAZI Germans that arrived into Krakow on the 6th September 1939.
The new bigger exhibition and the final one gather the framework of traditional museum exhibitions:
Theatricalization of exhibition space, elements of stage design and multimedia solutions. Krakow’s past has been recreated here in an evocative way in order for you to experience it in almost tangible way. The exhibition presents the tragedy of the war as well as every day life of the whole city of Krakow in a personal and collective dimensions.
The wartime is pictured on the videos on which natives recount their personal narratives. The reality is presented in Various aspects at: recreated hairdresser’s salon, stereoscopic studio, typical Krakow apartment, in the street, etc. It is also presented in documents like : period photographs, ordinary objects, newspapers, personal and official documents. The facility located at Lipowa 4 is far more than a museum. You can also find here : attractive educational activities, a bookshop, a cafe, a cinema, and a temporary exhibition area.
Oskar Schindler’s Factory Pictures